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Press Release: The Feel Good Garden needs your vote!

Press Release: The Feel Good Garden needs your vote!

We want to build a Feel Good Garden at The Farm, that's open to all in the community. A place to go and grow.

Our project has been picked by the National Lottery to bid for funding, and they're showcasing us on primetime regional tv. We're up against four other worthy appeals, each will be broadcast across the week April 1 - 5. The one with the most votes, wins.
Will you support us in our £38,300 bid? All we need is your vote. And to ask that you spread the word ... #peoplesprojects.
If successful, we will create a special, shared community space, where social and mental wellbeing is supported, and where old and young can interact to learn new skills, build friendships and get closer to the natural environment.

The money will pay for landscaping, communal seating and improvements to the pond area (including a pond-dipping platform). It will also fund better access to the site, so even more schools, voluntary organisations, wildlife and gardening clubs, and community groups will be able to visit us.

Watch our film here: It will be broadcast on ITV Westcountry (East) on Tuesday 2 April, 6pm.

Voting is now open! It closes at noon on Monday 15 April 2019. We've two weeks to make our garden dream, a reality.

You'll need a telephone number or email address to vote. You'll also need to verify it, by clicking a simple link. Please check your spam or junk files for the verification, or it won’t count.

You can vote here:
If you know someone who would like to vote but doesn't have access to email or a phone (such as elderly relatives or younger children), a free postal vote option is available. Email or call Ally Laing on 07775 698 959, and she will make arrangements.

Enjoy our film, and please tell everyone about our bid to build a Feel Good Garden at our special spot, overlooking Chew Valley Lake.

Thank you for your wonderful support.


Share our campaign on social media: #peoplesprojects
Twitter: @TCFarm
Instagram: communityfarm
Facebook: thecommunityfarm

View and vote! Our film is on the lottery website, where you can also vote: 

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