Hello! Check the list below to find the appropriate department for your enquiry.
Please be sure to check our Box FAQs before enquiring with questions related to your order and delivery. Email will often lead to a quicker response, though please note that some of our staff don’t work full-time.
Customer Service
Our Box FAQs may hold the answer! If not, please do get in touch.
01275 29 50 29
If you’d like to volunteer at The Farm, you can sign up and learn more about the options available on our Volunteering page.
The latest courses and events and information about them can be found in our Events section. If you’d like to hold an event at The Farm we’d especially love to hear from you.
Facility Hire
Our roundhouse, yurt and outdoors shelter are available for hire. Please check here for Venue Hire availability.
Media and Communications
Please don’t contact us directly about job opportunities. All jobs currently available can be found on our jobs page.
If you have any questions about Farm shares, please check our Shareholders page first.
General Enquiries
For information about wholesale orders check our Wholesale FAQs
01275 332 739