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We’ll be out and about this coming weekend!

As you know, it’s not just about the fruit and vegetable boxes at The Community Farm. We’re often asked to attend events and we know how important it is to go to as many as we can. This coming weekend – 19th/20th October – we are much busier than usual!

For the second year, we’ve entered the Winford Parish Scarecrow Trail. You can see our entry -Fantastic Mr Fox and Mrs Fox – at the farm! As part of the event there’s a Fayre being held at Winford School on Saturday between 11.30am-3.30pm. We’ll be there!

Saturday will also see us at our weekly spot at Bath Farmers’ Market at Green Park Station 8.30am-1.30pm. As well as that we’ll be hosting 20 volunteers at the farm for our Community Farmer Day harvesting root vegetables.

On Sunday 20th you’ll find us back at Green Park Station in Bath for the Love Food Festival from 10.30am to 4pm. On the same day we’ll also be at Folly Farm, Stowey BS39 4DW for their Apple Day 2pm-5pm. You can even bring along your own apples for pressing.

If you’re going to any of these events do come and say hello to members of The Community Farm.

Alison Belshaw

Project Manager


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We deliver to Bristol, Bath, Chew Valley, Weston-Super-Mare, Frome and plenty of places in-between!