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Supermarket Free Challenge update

February saw the launch of The Community Farm’s 'Supermarket Free Challenge’. There has been an encouraging response from those keen to experiment with shopping in a different way.


Supermarket Free bloggers
We got our initial inspiration from Guardian writer, Joanne O'Connell. Here is one of many articles she has written about her experiences. Joanne O'Connell and Angela Raffle (from The Community Farm) will be talking at An Evening of Fast Food at Bristol's Big Green Week 2013.

In turn The Supermarket Free Challenge has inspired Clementine Sanderson who has just started writing a blog of her year without supermarkets.


The benefits
Comments from those taking part highlight the many benefits including:

  • Less packaging
  • Spending less
  • More support for local and independent shops (including The Community Farm!)
  • More enjoyment buying food
Here's what some of the people taking the Supermarket Free Challenge have said:

"What I am really starting to notice is how much less packaging we now get through. That's giving me even more inspiration to keep going!” - Nancy W

“I've baked more and found lots of lovely things in my local shops which I’d not gone in much before the challenge. I found some butter produced in the South West that was a lot cheaper than the equivalent in a supermarket.” - Lesley W

“It has made me more organised and appreciative of my local shops.” - Judy G

"It's better for my blood pressure as I find all the 'special offers' in supermarkets incredibly irritating!” - Lesley W

“I'm spending less money because there is less temptation in small shops!” - Veronica P

Alison Belshaw, Project Director for The Community Farm said:

“We are only at the beginning of this challenge so it’s great that those involved so far are already enjoying the benefits and having fun taking part. Perhaps some have been motivated by the horse-meat scandal that has sullied the reputation of a number of supermarket suppliers!
“I’m taking the challenge too! I’ve started bulk buying items like potatoes and flour with friends and splitting the cost which is working out to be very cost effective. I’m looking forward to seeing what else comes out of this challenge as the year progresses.”

Do you think you could live Supermarket Free?

Find out more about joining the Supermarket Free Challenge

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