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It's 4th July - Bristol Independents Day!

It's 4th July - Bristol Independents Day!
Bristol Independents are businesses… - that are locally owned and operated
- that are run from the shop, stall or farm, rather than controlled from centralised headquarters
- that have a say in how they source products and how their business runs

Get involved and tell your friends to:
1. Take part in the competition: shop independently on 4th July, show the campaigners your shopping, and you're automatically entered into a free prize draw to win more local goodies - see the website for more details

2. See what special offers are available from Bristol's wonderful independent retailers today for one day only. There are over 40 different offers and promotions, at the last count!

3. Download one of our recipe postcards and buy your ingredients from your local shops.

Let others know too. Full details here.

What is good about Independents is: - they are good for the local economy. For each pound spent in an Independent you support more local jobs than if you spend it in a chain.
- they keep our High Streets diverse and full of character.
- unless our independent food shops survive then local farmers, and the regionally important St Philips fruit and vegetable wholesale market will not survive either, which will mean the loss of lots of local jobs and local entrepreneurship.

The Bristol Independents campaign aims to support independent retailers in Bristol and our local high streets, by:
  1. Encouraging shoppers to shop independently
  2. Encouraging retailers to market themselves collectively by high street
  3. Encouraging retailers, community groups, Neighbourhood Partnerships/Forums, other businesses and business associations to work together to support our high streets
Get involved - shop independently!

Do we deliver to you?

We deliver to Bristol, Bath, Chew Valley, Weston-Super-Mare, Frome and plenty of places in-between!