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Find us this weekend at the Festival of Nature

Find us this weekend at the Festival of Nature

This weekend we'll be going wild at two FREE events in Bath and the Chew Valley as part of the Festival of Nature so come along and see us at either event and find out more about our organic fruit and vegetable boxes and volunteering opportunities.

Bath goes Wild

Saturday 7 June, 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Queen Square, Bath

For the first time ever the Festival of Nature has landed in Bath!
On Saturday 7 June Queen Square will be swarming with local and national environmental organisations from the National Trust, University of Bath and BBC Natural History Unit to the Avon Wildlife Trust, RSPB and British Science Association, all providing incredible hands-on experiences and wild activities.

Here’s a taste of what will be in store:
  • See snail races with the National Trust
  • Dress up in bee costumes and spot a real Queen bee in her nest
  • Take part in nature writing workshops
  • See a nature photography exhibition hanging from the trees in Queen’s Square
  • Go on a nature walk with Bath Natural History Society
  • Get creative with painting workshops using natural paints
Sunday 8 June
12 noon – 4 pm
Chew Valley Lake (meet at Picnic Area 2)
In partnership with Bristol Water
Join the Festival of Nature and Bristol Water to explore the sights and sounds of Chew Valley Lake, and discover an internationally important site for wildlife just minutes from Bristol. Peer down the telescope and see how many species of birds you can find, get a closer view of the aquatic life lurking beneath the lake surface and check out what bugs are hiding in the undergrowth!

With stalls from the likes of Avon Wildlife Trust, National Trust and Lakeside Optics, and a full programme of wildlife walks, guided tours and hands-on activities, there’s something for all ages. Meet the experts, find out where your water comes from, or just relax and take a stroll along the lakeshore. Get your binoculars at the ready!

Bristol Water is a major sponsor of the Festival of Nature.

For further details and to pre-book activities visit


Do we deliver to you?

We deliver to Bristol, Bath, Chew Valley, Weston-Super-Mare, Frome and plenty of places in-between!