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Community Farm volunteering - an update

Community Farm volunteering - an update

Here is our latest update on Community Farm volunteering activities.

Volunteering at the farm has received a real boost lately thanks to funding from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation enabling us to recruit our 'Community Farmer', Ian Sumpter.

Ian's role is to develop and manage our volunteering activities and take care of volunteers out in the fields.

In April, a fantastic 83 volunteer days were completed.

10 regular weekday volunteers completed 35 volunteer days between them.

On our first Community Farmer Day of the year (on 26 April), 11 people came along to help out, seven of whom were new to volunteering.

The day started with a tour of the farm. We then set to work sowing 4,500 squash seeds!

Lunch included jacket potatoes cooked in our very own wood-burning cob oven.

Employee volunteering

April also saw several employee volunteering days:

A group from Santander spent a day planting lettuce in the poly-tunnel and sowing broad beans in the field.

12 staff from Burges and Salmon worked to build a sink station close to the yurt.

A team from Care Direct Bristol had a really productive day moving soft fruit to the orchard area.

We are extremely proud and grateful of all the hard work our volunteers put in.

Would you like to volunteer at the farm?

Join us for summertime volunteering!

We have Community Farmer Days on 28th June and 5th July.

We also have opportunities for volunteering regularly on weekdays and for employee volunteering days.

Do we deliver to you?

We deliver to Bristol, Bath, Chew Valley, Weston-Super-Mare, Frome and plenty of places in-between!