Back in December we wrote about the a local group promoting the farm and engaging with the local community. The group has been very active and started a School Garden Project locally and they're now looking for more local members.
Here's an item from the current members, read on and see if you'd like to get involved too!
Join the VPG!
Do you live in the ChewValley, or theYeoValley(!), or an adjacent village? Would you like to contribute to The Community Farm’s local activities? If the answer is yes to both questions, there is a Farm support-group that would love to hear from you.
It is called 'The Valley Promotion Group’. It was formed last October when half a dozen enthusiasts met in a pub to plan how to increase awareness of The Community Farm in the Valley. Three more meetings have occurred since then. The next one – to which you are warmly invited – will be on
Monday 14th May at 7.30 p.m. in The Queen’s Arms, Chew Magna.
We have lots of ideas about ways to involve people with food and food education. The VPG would like to attract more local friends of the Farm who are prepared to input their talents and skills. The aim is to help the Farm realise its mission to serve the local community.
Members of the group recently launched School Garden Project 2012, an ambitious seed-planting initiative that you may already have read about in the local press – if not, click here for more details. This is just the first initiative designed to bring the “Community” aspect of the farm alive in the valley.
As proud supporters of the Farm, we want to make sure that it is shown off at local village events. Two dates to note in your diary are 1st September, when we represent TCF at Chew Stoke Harvest Home and Horse Fair, and 15th September, TCF’s own Harvest Festival.
Other events being considered include lectures, film-shows, and parties held in community halls or in private homes. Also, let’s not forget village notice boards and websites to increase publicity for local involvement with our wonderful farm.
If you’d like to join in or find out more, just enquire by email to Or simply come along to the meeting in the Queen’s Arms behind Chew Magna church on 14th May at 7.30pm. No need to notify in advance.
If you are interested in forming a similar group in your local area then please contact
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Join the Valley Promotion Group! Next meeting 14th May
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Chew Magna
Bristol BS40 8SZ
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The Community Farm is a not-for-profit organisation, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority as a Community Benefit Society.
Our registration number on the Mutuals Public Register is 31018 R. Our companies Number at Companies House is IP031018
© 2025 The Community Farm