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Job Centre work experience placements

We have recently started taking work experience placements from Bristol Job Centres and currently have two placements at the farm, Aaron and Adam.

The idea these placements is to provide opportunities to 18 – 25 year olds who have been unable to find work and find themselves in the very common Catch 22 situation of being unable to get jobs as they have no experience or meaningful employment reference.

The placements are for 6 weeks. At the end, if they have performed well, we will be able to give them a reference and they can show some experience to any future potential employer.

So far both Aaron and Adam have worked really hard and have both shown an interest in applying for any future vacancies at the farm. This is a great example of the symbiotic relationship we would like to be forming with the local community where all involved can benefit.

For us it is fantastic to have help at this time of year as we are just about to enter our busiest period in the field. With more placements in the pipeline we look set to have a real boost to our field team numbers!

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