4 weeks. 4 veg boxes. Unearth the benefits. Find out more

Get Involved

Grow and Make

Our Gardening for Wellbeing course is underpinned by the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Give, Take Notice, Connect, Be Active and Keep Learning. Every week you’ll learn more about what you can do in the garden and how it connects with the wider webs of life around you. Together, we will nurture and be nurtured by our vegetable patch and forest garden through practical activities supported by theory sessions. We will sow, tend and harvest veg and fruit from the farm, forage in our hedgerows and learn about herbal teas and balms. 

Find out more about Grow & Make in this blog post by course leader Ellie Nurcombe.

Once registered, you are welcome to join the current course (if there is availability) or wait for the next course to commence.

Grow Days

If you have already been to the full Grow & Make course, are unable to commit to the full course at the moment, or want a taster, our Grow Days are one-off ‘re-fuelling’ sessions, providing a boost to mood and general wellbeing.

Grow Days 2024 (Fridays): 17th May, 14th June & 19th July.

For both pathways a typical day is:

  • We meet from 10am – 3pm
  • We do ‘check ins’ and drink herbal tea
  • We develop our Learning Area by growing veg, fruit and herbs and doing woodwork
  • We connect with nature and go for mindful walks

If this sounds appealing to you, we’d love to have you here!

Sign up

Before signing up, please download and read the handbook which contains answers to many frequently asked questions:

 Grow and Make Handbook

Once you have read the handbook you will need to fill out the registration form:

Grow and Make Registration form

Get in touch

Ellie leads the course at The Farm. If you require extra support, or have a query about Grow and Make, please don’t hesitate to contact her by email or call her on 07878 922424.

(Please note that Ellie works part-time so will get back to you as soon as possible.)


If you’ve successfully booked with us, and then find that you are unable to attend, or you need to stop coming, please let us know so we can open up your space for others.



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Funded by The West of England Combined Authority