Come to one of our spring Community Farmer Days! Find out more

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The Roundhouse

  • Space for 20 people

Our wooden Roundhouse is a beautifully-crafted community venue, overlooking Chew Valley Lake. Built by a local craftsperson and team of volunteers, using traditional, green woodworking methods and natural materials, it sits alongside a pond within the wildlife area. This fabulous facility, complete with living roof, seats 20 people comfortably. It features a handmade, bespoke kitchen and a toasty wood burner. A uniquely special, social space in the great outdoors.


  • Classroom facilities (including chairs, tables, flipchart)
  • Cooking facilities (including double oven, gas hobs, wood burner and access to cob oven and fire pit if available)
  • Outdoor shelter
  • Toilets
  • Log seating around the fire and in the Outdoor Shelter

You can download our venue price list here but please don't hesitate to contact us should your requirement not fall within these guidelines.

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