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About Us


Welcome to all new customers

We are really pleased to welcome lots of new customers at the moment. In particular, those of you from Bath and surrounding areas that have come to us from JP Organics.

We hope that you enjoy the boxes and that you find our on-line system easy to use.

It has been brought to our attention that some Internet Explorer users may have an issue when registering with the 'where did you hear about us' function . We advise that in this case, you choose 'One of your marketing campaigns' rather than 'other' or 'recommendation' .This should prevent the problem. Many apologies for this error which we are working to fix.

For all JP Organics customers, we look forward to delivering to you from the week beginning November 5th. Please select this date from the drop down menu when placing your order to help the switch-over run smoothly.

Remember, if you have any issues or queries you can give us a call on 0845 617 1174 between 9 and 5 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays or 9 and 7pm on Wednesdays or drop us a line at


Do we deliver to you?

We deliver to Bristol, Bath, Chew Valley, Weston-Super-Mare, Frome and plenty of places in-between!