We’ve entered ourselves for this year’s Winford Parish Scarecrow Festival which is raising money for the Harvey Hext Appeal. Our scarecrow will be just one of around 70 celebrity scarecrows popping up along a scarecrow trail around the local area from Sunday 7th October.
One of our volunteers, Bonnie Hewson has kindly volunteered to make the head for our mystery scarecrow - take a look through the photos to see her progress so far. Can you guess who it is yet?
Having approached our mystery celebrity to tell them of our plans, they were so delighted that they’re even donating some of their own clothes for it, so it really will be authentic!
We’ll be putting the rest of the scarecrow together during our Community Farmer Day on Sat 6th Oct so come along, bring your scarecrow making skills with you and get involved!
Alongside scarecrow making there’ll be plenty of other tasks to do on the field and lunch will be provided. If you’d like to come along, we ask that you book your place so that we can have an idea of numbers. We encourage all people coming out to the farm to try and use sustainable transport or lift share if possible. We will be providing a mini-bus from Bristol so if you are coming from Bristol - you can book your place on the booking form (link above).
Look forward to seeing you!
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