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Fun and good learning

Fun and good learning

Darran McLane moved to Bristol last summer to undertake the role of Community Learning Officer at The Community Farm.

Here, he reflects on his experience so far:

"I love this photo. It captures what we try to achieve: fun and good learning.

It is six months since I started at The Farm and what a great six months! It’s a pleasure to lead on school visits and activity days.

At a time when the days are short and the weather is bleak it can be a challenge to remember the summer. We had a beautiful summer, which at times was a tad too warm. It has been great to be able to use The Farm to help children learn.

What I personally like about The Community Farm is that engagement is at the forefront. This is a great achievement. Thirty school children picking vegetables in the way they do, full of excitement and vigour, can make our field look a little like a bomb site! Nonetheless, the fulfilment they achieve is truly glorious… and, while our growers cringe a little at the picking technique, we don’t damage too many vegetables in the process!

I hope we will see more schools visiting The Farm in the coming year, especially with Bristol being European Green Capital for 2015. Bookings have increased since we started three years ago and I hope this trend will continue. I am currently putting together a calendar of events for this year and I hope you will find the activities we have planned as exciting as I do. More about that soon.

If you have any suggestions of your own please contact me at . I’m always looking for great ways to engage to help children understand the many aspects of food and farming.

If you are involved with a school, please consider The Community Farm as a great place to bring your school pupils to learn about the exciting world of agriculture.

Wishing you all a very happy New Year!"

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